Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Basketball Game

Evan's first basketball game was very fun--and as Dave noted, it actually resembled a basketball game!

The cheerleaders were adorable.

Prayer at half-court before the game

Evan and the Huskies

Evan getting ready for some defense.

After some good churching and some good relaxing, Dave and the boys made some flatbread pizzas from a recipe that Evan found and copied.


  1. Prayer at half court?? Was this a church team? Or is this because you live down south? :)

  2. Yay!! My comments are now being published!! I have comments on everything......the agony of not having them published was too much!

  3. Yay! Published comments! Evan is playing on an Upward team, which is a church-based league, so there is prayer, bible verses, and awards for Christlikeness.
