Friday, March 19, 2010

Family Night Out at Noodles

Enjoying their Doodle at Noodles books.

Evan ordered Thai Curry Soup, 'cause that's how he rolls.

But not so much Andrew, who went with mac-n-cheese. And yes, he's wearing his Lion costume. Just because he wanted to. When I told him to get ready to go, that's what he put on. Maybe he thought "going out to dinner" meant that we would have to stalk our prey. In which case, he was prepared.

That's my man.

Evan gets hold of the camera and photographs me.

I Feel Like a Proud Father

Dave's dissertation is written! Here he is, bringing home the first fully printed copy:

I told him that I feel like a proud father--he did the labor for this baby, but I had a little something to do with it coming into existence.
Awww, isn't that such a nice fat baby?

Evan was pretty happy to see the dissertation. When it was turned in, his first question was, "Now can you play Wii with me, Daddy?"

Andrew just thought it was really heavy.

Why Blogging Has Been Light

It's been dissertations coming out my ears the past few months. From left to right, a dissertation on history of American Christianity (prosperity gospel); dissertation on empowerment of IT professionals on college campuses; dissertation on Christology in Hebrews; and creation of a biblical studies bibliography. And the assortment of style guides--so fun to keep straight who uses series commas and how doesn't, who uses Author-Date citation and who uses footnotes and bibliography citation, etc. It's nerdy editor land, where we make everything All Right.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ash Wednesday

This year our family went to Duke Chapel for the Imposition of Ashes service. It was wonderful to share it with the boys, and given some of the health concerns we had been dealing with, it was particularly profound to reflect that we are dust. Now we look forward to Easter, and the celebration of Jesus' triumph over our destiny as dust.

Staff Meeting

I came downstairs the other morning to see this:

I was informed that all the stuff animals were congregated on the living room floor instead of upstairs in the bedroom where they belong because they were having a staff meeting. And I have to say, I've been in that staff meeting. 

International Sunday

Our church celebrated our fourth annual International Sunday last week. People are encouraged to wear "heritage clothing," so we decked ourselves out in Clan Moffat tartan. 

Dave drew the line on "heritage clothing" at the kilt. We also represented the pale contingent of Mount Level by reading Scripture in German during the service. 

Our friend Deborah took this picture of us entering church. I love that you can see Vivian in the background, because her dress was stunning. I wish I had taken a closer picture of it. 

This year International Sunday was one of the most joyous celebrations of worship that I can remember. The early service had a Scripture reading in German and a sermon on Acts 2 that was fantastic by a Mexican member of our church, Angel Gallardo. The later service had a prayer in Creole from our Haitian member Russell, Scripture reading in Spanish, and music in Pele from a visiting choir from Liberia. Then Hispanic preacher and professor Rev. Dr. Edgardo Colon-Emeric preached on Revelation 7, and I really thought we might all just praise our way into heaven right there. What a great God, who can take people of every tribe and language and fashion them into His children!


Duke v. Carolina. At Cameron. On Senior Night. What could make this classic rivalry better? Watching it with friends. And eating Korean food.

We watched the game with our good friends Chul and Lauri Yoo and their kids Sophie and Theo (with Chloe on the way!) Here's everybody decked out in Duke clothes!

Chul's mom made all the amazing food in the picture above. We ate piles of Korean noodles and dumplings until I thought I would explode. And then I ate some more. Evan was ready to bring her home with us to live. 

Chul helping Evan and Sophie master chopsticks. Evan is way better than I am, which isn't saying much since I can't even hold chopsticks much less pick up anything with them. 

The kids with their face paint (or in the case of Theo, body paint) and their Cameron Crazies cheers.

Chul and Dave helping coach the kids on their Crazies taunts.

Ah, yes, we're raising these kids right. That's a beautiful sight. 

And Duke destroyed Carolina, winning by over 30 points. It was a great night of friends, food, and basketball victory!

My Cherubs

Our music director assigned solos to both Evan and Andrew the last time that children's choir sang. Evan handled it like an old pro; Andrew took a bit more coaxing. After singing the song beautifully at the rehearsal the day before, we told Andrew he had done great, and to do that well the next day for church.

Andrew: Oh, I'm not singing the song again.
Me: Well ... you have to sing it tomorrow for church.
Andrew: No, I'm only singing this song once. And I sang it. So I'm done.
Me: (trying to think quickly to persuade without arguing) But Daddy didn't get to hear you. You have to sing it tomorrow so Daddy will hear you.
Andrew: Daddy should have been here today if he wanted to hear me.
Me: (slightly exasperated) Andrew, you just have to sing it tomorrow. That's the end of the conversation.

And they both sang beautifully during church.

One of these children is taking it very seriously. And one of them is a ham.

The children's choir before church. 

Evan singing his solo. Notice that Andrew is not exactly standing in formation. He was twirling, wiggling, and completely not paying attention until . . . 

he got the microphone. Then he sang like an angel. 

Playing catch-up

Whew-ee, it's been an entire month since the last post. At some point I'll do a post on just what exactly has tied up all my time . . . but for now I'll just try to catch up on what we've been up to.

My two awesome friends Jen and Angela; this is after laughing so hard I think I had tears. 

Evan playing tug of war at his friend Emilio's birthday party

Andrew and his best buddy Graham bundled up to go play outside.

We're thankful for our friends!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bowling for Birthday Fun

Thankfully, Evan's birthday party with his friends was not snowed out (after a week where almost everything else had been canceled by the weather). We took Evan, Andrew, and 5 friends bowling, which was hilarious, exhausting fun.
Evan and his best friend Kendrick

Daddy helping Andrew bowl. Andrew did great, bowling 2 spares in 2 games!

Evan demonstrating some bowling form. 

The birthday bowling crew, after a fun-filled party.

The birthday festivities, Day 2

Since we continued to have snow on the ground, we continued not to have school. So the day after Evan's birthday we just continued to celebrate.

Wrapped in his birthday present Star Wars blanket/robe with his birthday present Lego Tie Fighter, which he made almost entirely by himself.

The awesome present from Grammy & Grampy arrived, and Evan spent hours minutely examining the carpet, hair, clothes, his brother's face ...

Creating and working on the volcano with Grandma

Andrew is determined not to be left out!

Two loved grandchildren and two loved grandparents!

Evan's "Totally Awesome!" Birthday

Evan's greatest dream came true when school was closed because of snow on his birthday. Grandma and PaPa were here, so it was a day packed with birthday celebration. Evan chose cheesy eggs and biscuits and gravy for his birthday breakfast, and lunch at Ole NC BBQ buffet. That afternoon my Aunt Georgie, who shares a birthday with Evan, came over with Martha, Denise, and Danielle.
The Birthday Duo

Fun family here for the birthday afternoon

Andrew, Evan, and Danielle--the Terrific Trio

Evan insisted that he wanted a carrot cake for his birthday. With carrots on top. Not balloons or anything festive. Just carrots. 

Evan gets pretty excited about presents. This is his volcano set.

Grandma and PaPa made sure Andrew got a little something special, too.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day--For Real!

So far, our winter storm succeeded in canceling Evan's basketball game, his best friend Kendrick's birthday party and sleepover, my lunch with a friend, a party for friends of ours, church, and school tomorrow. Not that the boys care about any of that--because it's snow! They can play in it!
This was Andrew's snow get-up. He does have a great coat, but I couldn't find his snow pants anywhere. Thank goodness for a warm Halloween costume!

My two snow-lovers.

He sat out there and played for about half an hour or more.

It's a Snow Lion!

National Air & Space Museum (Chantilly)

Before heading home on Monday, the boys and I went to the National Air & Space Museum in Chantilly. Unlike our excursion to the Mall the day before, this day was bright and sunny and warm. Figures--the day we're inside a museum, it's gorgeous outside! I'm not a big museum person, but this one was perfectly sized--enough to see, but not so large that I was overwhelmed. And it was almost totally empty. We had a great time!
Evan and Andrew pilot a Cessna 180.

Evan's favorite plane was the SR-71 Blackbird. It flew from California to Virginia in 64 minutes! He bought a model of it to build with Daddy (whenever Daddy finishes his dissertation ...)

The Space Shuttle (the Enterprise) was also a huge hit. The space exhibit included a display of food that astronauts eat in space. They had a package of M&Ms, which prompted Andrew to declare that he wanted to be an astronaut so he could eat M&Ms. Not necessarily in space, mind you -- just to eat them.

An AP reporter was there interviewing people about the end of the Space Shuttle program, and he interviewed Evan. When asked what he thought about the end of the Space Shuttle, Evan said, "Well, I'm not too happy about it!"

The two best guys to spend a day with at the Museum!